Saturday, April 17, 2010

Groundbreaking First Post

The iPad is tha House! And I'm using it to write the inaugural post to a new angled blog.

This is so cool!

I'm tapping a flat screen and watching my words flow onto the white tableau above keyboard. The traditional tapping-clacking of keys has been replaced by the simulated ticking announcing I have in fact hit a key on the "keyboard." and, I'm a quick button push awe from music, images and the web. Better still, I'm wireless and extremely mobile, although I am lacking voice capability.

I landed on the iPad this week; rather it landed on me when my school district began a pilot test of these handheld devices with instructional staff. My obligation is simple: utilize the heck out of this crazy crisscross mashup of an iPod and a laptop, assess it's viability as a teaching and learning tool, and record my thoughts in a district discussion forum. Then, after a few days of toying with the device, pass it on to another colleague so they can do likewise. Simple. Cool. No, check that- Amazing!

I 'll be posting additional thoughts here on the iPad experience and utility, but I really want to announce that this new schlegsofminne (say it, sh-legs-of-minny) is a place to house my general writing, thoughts, and observations about life and living it. As faith is a HUGE part of this, I'm hoping to see things through that lens without preaching, pontificating, or offering grand teachings. Instead, I'm just hoping to give a voice to what I see, feel, and sense a Spirit led guiding to say.


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