Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Plan? What Plan?

I was supposed to have been a Jesuit priest, or a Naval Academy grad
That was the way that my parents perceived me,
those were the plans that they had
But I couldn't fit the part, to dumb or too smart
Ain't it funny how it all turned out
I guess we are the people our parents warned us about

No doubt, Chuck & Carol had big plans for me when I slipped into the hospital room 40-something years ago.

Heck, within a decade even I had formulated what I was going to be: a weatherman, maybe a florist, err, garden store owner.

By high school I was making a bee line for DJ, while college had me throwing down the "keeping my options open card" in the form of an English major. Barely.

In short, I'm not so sure I ever had a clear plan A. I do however, have a resume of Plan B pursuits.

Sure,  I've set some goals, moved down some paths toward a vision of what I might become.There was two years as a commercial loan analyst; a year as a Young Life leader; two years managing part-time jobs delivering pizza and supervising recreation facilities while adding two years to my college transcripts. They've all been a means to an end. But plan A?? I think they've all been, in a way plan B.

For that matter, this morning I realized even teaching is itself a Plan B.

Don't get me wrong, I dig my gig. The kids keep me honest and fresh. And, I am for sure challenged unlike any of my friends working outside the classroom. But, I'm not so sure it's the Plan A I ever had in mind.

Which brings me back to the notion of Plan B.

This morning, during a break in my day, I  read Chad Este's Captain's Blog review of Pete Wilson's latest book, Plan B.

Based on this review, I've come to understand (1) Wilson's the pastor of  Cross Point Church in Nashville (2) he's writing about how our vision for what we'll do or become rarely matches the reality of what transpires, and (3) he points out we do, however, get to choose the why behind whatever it is we are doing. 

For me, as I assess my 20-year teaching "career" and its present manifestation, I know (1) I've started and maintained and alternative education program (2) I never would've imagined I'd be doing this a decade after I began, (3) God's given me an amazing opportunity to be Christ's hands, ears, and voice to a group of kids desperately in need Him, and (4) God's most certainly used this to humble me and teach me the value of trusting in Him to mold me and deliver me where he sees fit.

I may not always understand my Plan B, but I can tell you this Chad Estes has me thinking Wilson's Plan B is one I can't wait to get my hands on.


Postscript - Talk about irony. Current events and Wilsons own blog, Withoutwax.tv, point out how Wilson's congregation and hometown are presently living out the whole plan B idea.
Please, pray for Nashville and the surrounding areas

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cletus - He's What's for Dinner, And I'll Take a Helping

Minnesota made the news-scape map this week when an unidentified buyer from the Land O' Steaks, err Lakes, dropped close to $1,700 on a nearly 3,000 pound steer from the Big Sky state. (read in the Washington Post here).

At that size, Cletus, as the big fella was known, was enough beef to make Carl a senior, Sonic go "Boom!", and Ray turn flips in his McGrave.

As for me, well, I'm just licking my chops knowing that Cletus may just find his was into my local Twin Cities Cub, SuperTarget, even or neighborhood Lakewinds Cooperative (if the grasses he ate can be certified organic, that is).

Now that a ton and a half of aged, finely marbled beef is about to hit the marketplace. this is one Minnesotan looking forward to a summertime steak or two. So, I'm wondering, do you have a favorite cut and a flavorful manner of preparing it? How about sending it my way!